For her entire life, Candice suffered from problems with her teeth.
After developing Crohn's disease, these problems progressed even further causing her teeth to fail over the years. With failing teeth came embarrassment, self-consciousness, and a tendency to hide her smile. Candice finally decided enough was enough, and she needed to "bite the bullet" and do something to save her smile.
At first, she contemplated dentures, but did she really want to deal with the hassle of Poligrip and other adhesives to keep her teeth in place? Since she was constantly in the public, she didn't want to feel self-conscious about her teeth.
Candice finally decided to go through with Dr. Krakora's New Teeth New Life All-On-4 procedure, and it truly has made all the difference. In one day she was able to walk out of the office with new teeth and virtually no pain. Watch Candice's story below!